Mission Statement
Our mission is to serve the homeless and reach out to women where they are, and in practical ways extend God's love and hope through a personal relationship with Christ.

                                                 Core Values

1. We believe that all services provided to those in need should be done so in love; offering hope, mercy, and compassion.

2. We believe that life transformation occurs from a personal relationship with Christ, discipleship, equipping and training.

3. We believe that addictions can be overcome through prayer, medical treatment, deep abiding healthy relationships and most of all, the power of God!

4. We believe that homelessness is a temporary condition that, when desired, can be overcome with personal healing, educational assistance, housing and employment.

                         History of the Shelter
A desire to provide a place where women can regain their lives amidst a loving Christ-centered atmosphere was our goal in starting the shelter. Many women in Somerset County were seeking shelter but there were none available at that time. On January 28, 2010 the New Hope Shelter opened. In 2014 we changed the focus of the shelter so that it would be a program-based shelter. We believe it is not enough to merely give "3 hots and a cot" but it is our desire to provide the tools needed to enable change in our women's lives so that they will not again experience homelessness. In March of 2015, we moved into our new fully paid-for facility provided by the generous donations of churches, businesses, foundations, and individuals! We are pleased to offer a beautiful homey atmosphere and a structured program to help women gain hope for their futures! Since the opening in 2010, we have given shelter to 500 women and over 175 children.   

                                 The Program

Jesus teaches that there is hope for everyone. New Hope teaches the same principles through our Christian program.

Our schedule includes:

Daily Morning Devotions

Groups on weekdays at 10

Main Meal is served at noon

Afternoon Bible Study

Meetings weekly with life coach.

The women and children are not required to leave during the day, and they are given support and guidance through our caring staff and volunteers. We have several mature Christian women from the area who come in and supervise, teach, mentor, and sometimes just lend a listening ear. Most of the volunteers and staff are women who have gone through some of the same struggles as many of the residents, in their own pasts, and are now able to testify as to the healing power of Christ in their lives.

Our life coach does several groups each week in the following areas:

Healthy Relationships which include:

          Domestic Violence Prevention

          5 Love Languages

          How to deal with toxic people


Celebrate Recovery

The shelter requires residents to sign a contract when they enter. This contract prohibits the use of drugs or alcohol (this includes medical and recreational marijuana), requires residents to attend all of the various meetings and Bible studies and take part in household chores. All medications are kept locked up in our med room and dispensed under supervision of staff members. The shelter is completely funded by churches, businesses, caring individuals, and foundations. Thank you to all who have had a part in the continued support of the New Hope Shelter.